In a rainy city, where a recent meteor shower has given countless other women extraordinary abilities, down-on her luck PI, Carol Echs, suddenly discovers that she has the power to absorb other women's meteorite-endowed gifts. But as Carol begins to usurp more powers and potentially finds herself on the precipice of becoming super powerful, will she decide to wield her new abilities responsibly?
- Written by Conceptfan.
Episode 1 - The Golden Voice
Episode 1 - The Golden Voice
Down-on her luck PI, Carol Echs, gets a new case, investigating a strange robbery at a local bank. But when she starts tracking down the perpetrator, Echs discovers the heist was executed by one of the local "meteorite girls" with a unique gift. And speaking of gifts, Carol finds something about herself as well!
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Stephanie
Episode runtime: 22 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 2 - Strong Arm Tactics
Episode 2 - Strong Arm Tactics
Carol's investigation into a missing person soon turns into an entirely different case involving a robbery and a double-cross within the crew. But Echs soon discovers that this is no ordinary band of thieves -- at least not Alicia, the missing 'meteorite girl' who just happens to be the 'muscle' of the crew.
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Kasey
Featuring: Katabelle
Episode runtime: 22 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 3 - Faster Than Sound
Episode 3 - Faster Than Sound
As Carol becomes more and more acclimated to her new powers, a police detective takes notice of her recent exploits and asks for her help. A sudden rash of seemingly unrelated dead men popping up throughout the city points to a serial killer on the loose. But this one appears to have meteorite powers, making Echs the ideal person to help track her down!
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Aivi
Episode runtime: 24 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 4 - Windows of the Soul
Episode 4 - Windows of the Soul
When a second-rate meteorite performer gets dropped by her talent agency, it is up to Carol to stop her menacing rampage. But even with her impressive list of new abilities, can Carol stop a villainess that can literally kill with a simple glance?
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: JustineLeah
Episode runtime: 19 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 5 - Low Hanging Fruit
Episode 5 - Low Hanging Fruit
Echs serendipitously crosses paths with two new meteorite girls with two distinctly different agendas...and two new superpowers. But as she collects the low hanging fruits, the question remains if she is becoming the most powerful and unstoppable meteorite girl of them all!
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Mazikeen, Lizzy
Episode runtime: 23 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 6 - Blowing In the Wind
Episode 6 - Blowing In the Wind
Echs discovers something interesting about her growing collection of meteorite powers. Meanwhile, an old pal of Harry's needs Carol's help to solve a mystery at the race track. Things get complicated when underworld boss Johnny Lightning enters the picture, along with his amazingly gorgeous fiance, Gail.
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Aria H
Episode runtime: 35 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 7 - It's Not What It Looks Like
Episode 7 - It's Not What It Looks Like
Even Carol's subconscious is starting to question the implications of her continuing accumulation of power. Then an old acquaintance returns with some disturbing video evidence that looks very bad indeed for Echs. But when a duo of meteorite-powered hit-girls team up, nothing is how it appears.
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Cathryn, Eden
Episode runtime: 27 Min
Become a Patron!Episode 8 - Game Changer
Episode 8 - Game Changer
A meteorite girl with telekinesis powers wreaks havoc in a sinister institution. Meanwhile, Carol faces her greatest challenge. With all the abilities she's accumulated at stake, can Echs prevail and access a whole new level of power?
Starring: Lexa
Guest starring: Alexx, Katelyn
Featuring: Melanie
Episode runtime: 38 Min